Step 1
Admittance is the first step to recovery and forgiveness is the first step to reconciliation.
Admittance is the first step to recovery and forgiveness is the first step to reconciliation. These two concepts create the foundation for the catalyst of change that is desperately needed within our great nation lives. There is no brand of politics that will save you. Your political party won’t save you. There is not a politician within ANY political party that will deliver you from your problems or the despair you may feel in life right now. The truth is that so many people have neglected their primary responsibility in life and placed the onus on others to handle said responsibility. The responsibility? Yourself.
You’ve been looking for answers everywhere else but within. You’ve willfully believed lies that made no sense. You’ve willfully consumed media aimed at driving and manipulating the worst of your innermost passions of fear and hatred. You’ve willingly allowed yourself to be subjected to tools of propaganda conjuring up feelings of hatred and fear directed at your neighbor even though aren’t even your enemy. You’ve been trained to believe that others with views opposite yours are your enemy and aren’t worth a peaceful discourse to understand their perspective. You sat back and allowed language to manipulated to the point to where women are no longer called women but instead, “birthing people,” and other nonsense that completely disrespects their being, and diminishes the spaces that were once preserved for them. You sat back and took place in their façade. You participated in their delusion. You allowed them to bully you. You allowed them to make you feel that virtue is acquiescing to their abomination of a reality. You watch as they abuse our children. Mask our babies as facial cues are important to understanding communication. Inoculating them with shots they don’t need because the science and the data has shown that they are the least vulnerable to death and infection of this disease they have used to inflict fear upon the world.
You sat back and watched. You complied when you knew something wasn’t right. Some of you will say you were just following orders. Some of you will say you had to do what you had to do for your family. I understand. I swear I do, but ask yourselves… at what expense? You know deep in your soul that something isn’t right. You can literally feel it, yet, you feel alone. You feel afraid. You see the people speaking out and being attacked for telling the truth and this is what silences you. It’s not by mistake, they made you believe in the phenomenon of being “canceled” but there is no such thing. Being “canceled” is nothing more than a way to silence individuals who go against the state supported narrative. Being “canceled” doesn’t exist but you allow it to. There is more of you out there. There are people that see what you see, feel what you feel, and believe what you believe. Like you, they simply don’t know that there are more of them out here. This is the sign you’ve been waiting for.
Admittance is the first step to recovery.
Forgiveness is the first step to reconciliation.
Confess the trespasses against the person you see in the mirror. Next, forgive that person.
Then be set free…
Love, Love
It's a loooooong process but worth the journey.
I needed to hear this. I am so frustrated by the people around me who either have no idea what is truly happening in the world, or just do not care. I can't decide which one is worse. I have been wanting to stop being afraid and to speak out. You have inspired me. Thank you!